Dogs are my passion!

Dogs are my passion.   I grew up with dogs and dogs are still a huge part of my life.  Throughout my life I have owned many purebred dogs as well as mixed breed rescues.  I love dogs, I love working with dogs, I love training dogs.  For this reason, it was an easy decision for me to know what I was going to do with my life.  After high school, I went on to become a certified dog trainer.  Anyone who knew me was not surprised at my choice of career. I then went on to add certified dog groomer to my credentials as well and opened my own dog grooming business.   Over the years, through my experiences training and grooming dogs, I have learned a great deal about dog training and dog behavior strategies.

Besides working with dogs, I love sharing my knowledge about dogs and the things that I have learned over the years.  I hope that you enjoy the many articles, books and courses that you will find on this website.  If at any time you have any dog training questions or a topic that you would like to see me cover, please send me an email to let me know.  I am always happy to answer questions.

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