
Why Do Dogs Misbehave? The Top 4 Reasons Revealed With Solutions To Stop The Behavior

How many times have I heard fellow dog owners say, I hate it when my dog barks non stop or he utterly embarrasses me when he mounts people’s legs. Dog owners usually have no problems to fill in tons of their dog behavioral problems into the above statements. What they should be doing, though, is…


Teaching The Watch Me Command To Your Dog – The Key To Effective Training

Teaching the watch me command to your dog is one of the most important things you can do to accelerate all other training skills. And if, once you’ve got it, you can keep that attention, then you’re really going to make some fast progress. Teaching the watch me command and keeping your dog’s attention is…

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How Your Dog’s Early Socialization Experiences Affect His Training

By the time you bring home your puppy his behavior will have already been greatly influenced by his mother and his siblings.  For example, if his mother barked to attract some attention, her puppies will probably behave in the exact same way. The experiences that occur between three and twelve weeks of age are crucial in…